Maintain moisture in your skin without compromising a spotless bathtub. Although coconut oil is an excellent natural moisturizer, it frequently leaves a sticky aftertaste. Go no farther than our blog article if you’re looking for a quick and simple solution to this situation.
We’ll demonstrate how simple it is to get rid of that oily gunk. All with the aid of basic kitchen staples.
Prepare the area first, then combine a baking soda and hot water solution. Just apply the mixture to any surface that has been impacted by oils, rinse the liquid off after use, and you’re done.
Don’t miss out, then. Continue reading to learn more and acquire all the information you need. You’ll be astonished at how easy it is to get a bathtub clean of coconut oil.
How to Remove Coconut Oil From a Bathtub: Step by Step
If you’ve ever had the terrible experience of having coconut oil spill into the floor of your bathroom, you are aware of how difficult and unattractive oil stains can be to remove. But do not worry. There are various quick and easy ways to remove this greasy stain.
The fundamental steps to take are listed below:
Materials Required:
- Warm Water
- Clear Vinegar (optional)
- Cleansing sponge or brush
- Paper Towels or Sorbent Material
- Towel for After-Cleaning Tub Drying
Step 1: Setting Up the Environment
Make careful to take out any decorations or things that may be in the tub before you start cleaning the oil from your bathtub. They won’t be harmed by the cleaning agents you’re about to employ if you do this right away.
Finally, remove any filth or debris from the tub’s surface with a moist cloth or sponge. By doing this, you’ll be able to stop dirt from spreading while you clean and get ready for Step Two.
Step Two: Creating the Cleaning Solution
It’s time to prepare a paste of baking soda and water to aid in dissolving and removing the coconut oil from the surfaces of your bathtub. In a bowl, first combine equal quantities of baking soda and hot water.
Start blending the ingredients together into a thick paste-like consistency by stirring. Go free to include some vinegar in your mixture if you discover that the stain is particularly difficult to remove. The stubborn oil residue should be further broken down as a result.
Applying the paste to the tub surface in the third step
Using gloves or other protective clothes is recommended while applying this paste to the surfaces of your bathtub. Use the solution immediately to any portions of your tub that have been discolored by coconut oil using a brush or sponge.
Be careful to distribute it evenly over the floors and any afflicted regions of the tub’s walls. To ensure that every area of your tub is coated with this solution and will function correctly in Step Four, gently massage in circles as you go.
Wait for the mixture to finish working in step four.
After using your homemade cleanser to clean the whole bathtub, let it sit for at least 10 to 15 minutes. allowing it ample time to permeate through any lingering oils and break them up for subsequent, simpler cleaning.
Avoid touching or disturbing these places as much as you can during this period. After that, allowing for thorough drying should produce the best outcomes.
Step 5: Rinsing the Remainder
It’s time to use a scrubbing pad or brush to vigorously scrub away at the afflicted area after waiting 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse the area with hot water after removing as much of the oil residue as you can.
To completely remove all traces of oil, you would need to repeat this procedure several times. When you’ve finished cleaning, wipe down the entire surface with a moist towel.
Why Should Coconut Oil Be Removed From the Tub?
The well-liked cure-all for several common ills, the coconut oil bath, has a dirty little secret. It can eventually cause significant damage if not cleaned up after using the restroom because of its accumulative effects.
Some causes for cleaning include:
The Oil will begin to degrade
This is a result of the oil not being adequately aerated when it is in the tub. The oil will eventually start to degrade and begin to smell awful. This is not only disgusting, but it might be harmful if you mistakenly consume some of the toxic oil.
It Discolors Your Tub.
Coconut oil may leave stains on the surface of your bathtub if you don’t remove it. If this oil is spilled, it must be cleaned up very once since once it has been left to rest for a time, it becomes very difficult to remove.
Bugs Will Attract You
If you don’t remove the coconut oil from your tub, it will turn into a breeding ground for germs because it is a natural antibacterial agent. Many health issues, such as food poisoning, respiratory issues, and skin infections, may result from this.
Your bathtub will get slick.
If you don’t thoroughly clean your bathtub after using coconut oil since it is so slippery, it might become pretty dangerous. If one is not careful, they might easily slide and damage themselves.
In the future, cleaning your tub will be challenging.
It will be more difficult to get rid of the coconut oil later on the longer you wait to clean it up. It will get caked on and considerably more challenging to remove, necessitating much more vigorous scrubbing (and possibly damage your tub in the process).
If you use coconut oil, how frequently should you clean your bathtub?
Cleaning your bathtub regularly is an essential aspect of keeping your bathroom clean, especially if you put coconut oil in it. It is advised to scrub the bathtub using a mild cleaner, such as dish soap or baking soda diluted with water, at least once a week.
After using coconut oil in the tub, it’s a good idea to wipe it clean to make sure all of the oil is gone. This will lessen the need for later cleaning and scrubbing that is more intensive.
Can Coconut Oil Be Removed from a Tub with Vinegar?
If the approach mentioned above didn’t quite get all of the coconut oil out of your bathtub, you may also try using some vinegar. When removing oil using a towel or sponge, it may assist to break down and release the oil.
But, it’s crucial to avoid putting vinegar on the surface immediately. In a spray bottle, combine one part vinegar with two parts water to dilute it in water first.
Spray the liquid thoroughly into the surface of your bathtub, then wait 10 to 15 minutes before washing it away with a gentle sponge or moist towel. After cleaning with warm water, let the surface of your bathtub air dry fully before using it once more.
Does WD 40 Clean the Bathtub of Coconut Oil?
In order to get rid of some of the accumulation brought on by coconut oil, WD-40 could work well. On the other hand, it might not be advised for frequent usage because it includes chemicals that might eventually harm surfaces.
As a result, it must be used with prudence and tested first on a covert area before being applied more liberally. Moreover, even when applied correctly, it can not completely eliminate all traces of coconut oil from the surface, necessitating the employment of extra cleaning techniques.
Can I flush coconut oil down the toilet?
No, coconut oil shouldn’t be poured down the drain since it might clog sewage lines when it cools and solidifies like other cooking oils. In addition, a buildup of solidified coconut oil might plug a drain, which may require the assistance of a plumber.
As a result, coconut oil should never be flushed down the toilet. Use ethical disposal strategies instead, such emptying it into a rubbish bag or putting it to your compost pile.
Discover the Method for Easy Coconut Oil Cleaning
It doesn’t have to be a complete hassle to get rid of bothersome coconut oil in the bathtub. You can wave goodbye to that mess if you just follow these easy instructions. Moreover, with just a few extra pointers, you’ll certain that it never reappears.
Remember to give your bathroom a periodic deep clean so that you can maintain your tub shining. Several common bathroom cleaning procedures are perfect for this. You won’t have to worry or trouble with maintaining your bathtub if you follow these few pieces of advice.